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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Good for the planet is good for business

BioPak is providing businesses with standout packaging that’s commercially and home-compostable, writes Leanne Osborne

It’s no secret that consumers are becoming increasingly environmentally conscious and the expectation for businesses to take eco-conscious action is growing stronger still. While demonstrating a meaningful commitment to protecting the environment can seem daunting at first; there are quick solutions available to help reduce your business’ negative impact on the environment in a significant way.

At BioPak we are providing businesses with packaging that’s commercially and home-compostable and this has proven to be a great first step for businesses looking to improve their carbon footprint. The compostable packaging can be disposed of alongside organic/food waste, creating nutrient-rich compost to increase soil fertilisation in as little as 12 weeks. Not only that, but it helps your business to offset tonnes of carbon, avoid creating tonnes of plastic and divert tonnes of waste from going to landfill.

Back in 2002, the BioPak team recognised the growing environmental problem of plastic in our oceans and landfill waste, and we set out to challenge the status quo. We strive to offer the most sustainable and innovative packaging on the market and we’re dedicated to supporting the food service and catering sector to minimise any negative impacts on the environment, one eco-friendly packaging solution at a time!

Our compostable packaging – made from wood, paper, bioplastic or sugarcane – reduces the risk of contamination because food and packaging waste can all go in one bin. By facilitating the efficient collection and processing of organic waste, nutrients are returned into the eco-system and create healthy soils which in turn sequester more carbon from the atmosphere, combating climate change.

This is why our compostable packaging is playing a central role in the circular economy where no resources are wasted. It also reduces the need for plastic packaging derived from finite fossil resources.

Profit for purpose

When you purchase your packaging from BioPak, you are actively making a positive environmental difference towards a circular economy – that’s BIG stuff! We also want to make sure you let the world know about the environmentally friendly impact you’re having. We have a dedicated marketing team who ensure you have everything you need to let your customers know the positive impact you, and they, are making together. Ultimately, this is an environmental message that we know from experience will resonate strongly with your customers, making your brand a guilt-free choice in comparison to your competitors.

You can even discover the positive impact that you would have on the planet by getting an instant calculation online – all you have to do is visit the ‘about’ section on our website. Simply visit www.biopak.com

E: sales@biopak.co.uk P: 01386 555777


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